Tuesday 22 March 2011

Woman Of Substance – Is it merely a creation of the glamour seeking media??

We live in a highly male dominated society. For centuries, women have been victims of social prejudices and discrimination, especially in the Asian Countries. They are generally presumed to be weak, passive, dependent and people-oriented and are hence confined to the four walls of the houses. In such countries, marriage is the only career for most women. This is because women suffer from male reservations about a women‘s role, ability and capacity and are treated accordingly. While in most other countries, average earnings of women are lower than those of men. Women have confined their activities to selected professions such as education, nursing, medicine and office work.

Women constitute almost half of the total population in the world. But their representation in gainful employment is comparatively low. According to an I.L.O. report in 1980, ―women are 50 percent of the world‘s population, do the two thirds of the world‘s work hours, receive ten percent of the world‘s income and own less than one percent of world property.

 However, in the recent times, women have made impressive strides in the corporate world. Today we find women at various levels in an organization, even in the top level management. Women are making waves not only in business but also in politics and various other professions all around the world. Their influence is growing substantially.

But the real question which arises is – Are they really that influential, consistent, strong as they are portrayed to be by the glamour seeking media? Can we really call them woman of substance? Or is it that the media is merely plugging for such women to gain a couple of more TRP ratings?

Was Kalpana Chawla, one of seven crew members killed in the Space Shuttle Columbia disaster not as brave as she was portrayed to be? Of course she was! She had the courage to follow her dream. Well, I believe media has no take in this case. We really do have such strong and influential women in today’s era. In-fact I’d say they are nowhere behind their male counterparts.

Here I take a few names! Mother Teresa, Eleanor Roosevelt, Indra Nooyi, Sudha Chandran. Ever wondered what’s common between all of them? Firstly and very obviously, they are all women. Secondly, they are all successful personalities. They overcame hurdles in life, and yet managed to clinch triumph. Mother Teresa spent her entire life unconditionally serving the unfortunates in India. While Eleanor Roosevelt, the first Lady of the US, worked to enhance the status of working women. Sudha Chandran is a lady who with her artificial wooden is still considered as the best BharatNatyam dancer in the country. Indra Nooyi is an Indian who made a long way in becoming the C.E.O of PepsiCo. She’s today considered one of "The TopGun CEOs" by Brendan Wood International, an advisory agency.

Let’s now talk about Mrs. Indira Gandhi. Indira Gandhi was an influential leader. She is certainly “the symbol of FEMINISM” in India. As per the economic surveys, when she became the Prime Minister, 65% of the country was below the poverty line and when her regime ended it went to 45%. Food Production increased by 250% and literacy increased by 30% during her tenure as PM.  And then, can we deny the fact that the goodwill she earned amongst the rural population of the country still has its effect on the success of the Congress in rural India? She is still remembered as “Amma” there. Her “Garibo Hatao” Slogan is still used by the Congress. Sonia Gandhi tries to resemble her. And No it’s just not a so called Media Hype. But Indira Gandhi is genuinely an exceptional example of a woman of substance. And let’s not forget even she comes from a highly male dominated Gandhi family!!

 “Woman of Substance”, is no longer a philosophical concept. It is a reality!! And Media, by no chance, are plugging for such eminent women.

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